Plugin Tag: buttons
Foundation Shortcodes
(0 total ratings)Adds WordPress shortcode support for Foundation layouts and UI elements – to be used with themes built with Foundation 5.
Sosh Share Buttons
(1 total ratings)SOSH SHARE BUTTONS is a wordpress plugin that adds to pages, share buttons for social networks.
Red Eyes Froggy Buttons
(0 total ratings)Red Eyes Froggy Buttons makes adding stunning hover effets to your button, links and input of type "submit" and "button" easier than before.
Share Decentral
(1 total ratings)The original Facebook, Twitter and Google+ Share Buttons, but without external connections. Simple plugin, pure HTML & CSS, no JavaScript.
WP Sounds
(0 total ratings)Insert cool sound buttons in your entries and allow your readers to do so in the comments as well
Awesome Share Button
(1 total ratings)Awesome Share Button plugin is Simple wordpress plugin for share your post on Facebook,Twitter and other social network.
Ryan's Payment Button
(0 total ratings)Add a Paypal button to your wordpress site with an a optional payment amount textbox. Choose from multiple Paypal buttons.
Keeping Points
(0 total ratings)Keeping Points is a plugin to help create a points reward or tracking system for each person within a program, church, or company.
Tiny WoW colors
(1 total ratings)Add some buttons to tiny admin editor, buttons for item WoW (epic, poor, rare, …) and Youtube buttons
Widget Shortcodes for Github
(0 total ratings)Lightweight widget shortcodes to display GitHub buttons and gists on your blog.
Netflix Buttons
(1 total ratings)This is a simple plugin to add the Netflix add, play, or save buttons for a movie to any post/page.
TW Shortcodes
(0 total ratings)TW Shortcodes enables you to easily add "flat design" buttons, icons, pricing tables and more without modifying CSS, HTML or PHP.
Likes System and Social Share Buttons for WordPress and WooCommerce
(0 total ratings)Standalone likes system and social share buttons for your website. Custom post types are supported! Working with WooCommerce as well.
Woo Checkout Quick Scroll
(0 total ratings)Woo Checkout Quick Scroll places up to 3 buttons on the checkout page to allow shoppers to quickly scroll to the next section.